Part 68: Valley of the Flying Dragon 1
CmdrKing posted:
It's okay, when Java shows back up and forces all those sour-pusses to go ondrunkencoffee-fueled pirate adventures with him the game gets real good real fast.

... Hmm. By my count, this should be at the start of the next page. Time for an update!
Welcome back!

That's some pretty scenery. Also looks nothing like what we've seen.

Oh, and I guess those chucklefucks survived. What a shock.

That... that's not where your hands go for CPR, Feena.

Yep. He wasn't knocked unconscious from the fall, it just took long enough for him to fall asleep. That's my interpretation and I'm sticking to it.

Oh dear.

And with that, we're given control.

"Most status effects wear off after battle, or have no effect outside of combat, but watch the fuck out for Magic Block. If you're playing a normal game, the Recover option also cures statuses."

You are one ugly motherfucker, you know that?
Plop Molds have an AoE poison skill, and can drop antidotes.

They're also plant-type enemies, so Justin can wreck their shit with a plant-bane axe.

... There's not much to say about these guys. They can hit someone, or use their tech attack to deal about twice as much damage.

Although this happens.
Midair Cut is Justin's bread and butter for most of the game. It's a powerful single-target attack, like V-Slash or W-Break, but it is ranged, so he executes it as soon as it's done charging, no running up to the enemy required.
It also deals more damage than W-Break.

Feena joins the 3-digit HP club.

Along the way, we find this Bamo Fruit. It's only usable in battle, for some reason.

So, Midair Cut. The animation kind of assumes you'll be using a sword.

At which point Justin channels Sonic the Hedgehog.

You know, I just realized that even Midair Cut attacks with a V-shaped slash.

But damn is it effective.

These guys' special attack is to throw the ball they're always juggling.

Slipples... uhh... they have an AoE attack? Few HP? They don't appear in the first area?
I got nothin'.
Anyway, continuing down the path...

Unfortunately, it's a key item, not the actual shoe-slot equipment that Sue had equipped.
In case you gave her your only pair of... Odd clogs? I dunno.
All of the enemies in this area can also drop Healthweeds, which restore 80 HP to a single character. In case Sue was your only healer.

Huh. I hope that doesn't come into play soon.

Now that's what I like to see.

The enemies here tend to drop items with a bit more frequency than usual. If you have no inventory slots free at the end of battle, you get brought to this screen to either dump or use something.
As we approach the end of the area....

 (Polsy link)
(Video contains voices! Skip down to "cutscene ends", as usual, to skip)

And now we've got a one-on-one duel. With a guy who's about twelve goddamn feet tall.

And completely immune to anything we throw at him.

After three turns of guarding, he uses this.

Guarding even reduces the damage from instant-kill cutscene moves!

Anyway, having taken more damage than it's possible to have max HP, Justin passes out and the cutscene ends.

In the interest of not ending two updates in a row with the "Everyone's dead, game over" joke, I'm going to include this screenshot here. But no more than that because this update's getting a bit long.
Next time: Dinner! More talking!